DONNA HAY March 2014
Le nostre Paper Lunch Bag fotografate a piena pagina su DONNA HAY!
Siamo così orgogliose del nostro team UASHMAMA®.
Le nostre Paper Lunch Bag fotografate a piena pagina su DONNA HAY!
Siamo così orgogliose del nostro team UASHMAMA®.
Grazie a Davide e Vincenza e al nostro cliente Ottoyanna per aver parlato di UASHMAMA nella rivista spagnola CASA Y CAMPO.
La Spagna parla di noi...Evviva!
Marzo 2014
Grazie a Laura Emanuelli ed al suo articolo sul grazioso sito di viaggi:
'Le sorelle a Firenze è un graziosissimo negozio che fa respirare aria di Primavera. Si perchè tutti i prodotti si ispirano a colori vivaci e a disegni sulla natura più autentica. Ulivi, fiori, limoni e melograni la fanno da padrone su stoffe, tovaglie e oggettistica per la casa (...)' Febbraio 2014
A presto,
Le sorelle
Grab a copy of Gourmet Traveller turn to page 158 and check out the silver pita bread bag, what a cool idea.
We truly owe the success of UASHMAMA in Australia to all the magazines and stylists who have picked up our paper bag and turned it into a show piece. It's your talent and ideas that inspire us every day. A special thanks to Lucy Weight the very talented stylist who shot this piece with Chris Court for Gourmet Traveller. Lucy is a mate and great supporter of UASHMAMA, to the point our bags will be making a guest appearance at her wedding this week.
I still get excited like a little girl when I see our bags in a magazine, Real Living August issue out now.
Casey Languillon
Gli ingredienti giusti per una gustosa torta di mele?
Sottili fette di mele rosse, UASHMAMA® washable paper bag, farina, uova e fantasia.
Alla prossima torta...
Piccoli e semplici pezzi destinati a durare nel tempo.
questo mese su AWW.COM.AU
La nostra Carry Two Grey si adatta molto bene anche ai vostri ingressi.
Real Living si siede a tavola con UASHMAMA® per questo Natale 2012.
P156 Edizione di Natale.
UASHMAMA makes Inside Out's 100 Top Christmas Gift Ideas,
P132 Dec Issue.
Blake & Taylor specialises in new and recycled furniture and homewares
is on COUNTRY STYLE of September.
The store is styled and themed around a neutral and white palette.
Black & Taylor decided to introduce UASHMAMA® and our Tuscany feeling
in their beautiful store.
Good Luck,
Le sorelle & UASHMAMA®
Delicious magazine August Issue, page 25
Una sinfonia di legno e UASHMAMA® alla fine dell'autunno Australiano.
Paper-fibre bags that are washable, pack flat and fell like leather? What's not to like? Uash Mama bags are imported from Tuscany in four colours (including natural, black and white, right) and four sizes (small, $28; medium, $34; large, $38; extra large, $89) by Sydney company Objet Trouvè.
(Australian Gourmet Traveller, aprile 2012, pag. 31)
Grande risalto per i nostri paper bag della linea Uashmama su Real Living di marzo. La rivista ha voluto mostrare come i pratici e versatili sacchetti Uashmama si adattino ai più vari utilizzi e siano un elemento decorativo per ogni stanza della casa: da semplice sacchetto per il pane, a contenitore per caramelle, piante, penne e giochi nella stanza dei bambini.
(Real Living, marzo 2012, pag. 60, 61, 64, 118, 119, 120, 121)
"Uashmama (pronounced wash mama) paper bags are designed and manufactured by a local family in Lucca, Tuscany. The paper is made using a virgin fibre from cultivation and NOT through deforestation; it's rustic, stylish and washable. Paper that washes like fabric, holding its form so it can be homewards. The manufacturing process is similar to thet used in the paper and skin industries, so when touched the paper feels almost like leather. Creaed originally ad a bread bag, it looks great with everything, gread, flowers, herbs, eggs, fruit and veg etc".
“Uashmama bags (pronounced “Wash Mama’) are scrunchable, rustic-looking pa-
per socks used for storing bread, vegetables, garlic... practically anything.
They feel like leather, wash like a fabric and can be scrawled on with chalk.
Handmade and sewn in Italy, they add a touch of Tuscan charm to any kitchen.
Available in natural, black or white”.
(Madison Australia, gennaio 2012)
“Uashmama (say “Wash Mama”) bags from Object Trouvé are handmade
in Italy from cellulose. They feel like leather but are actually washable paper
that you can scrunch and roll.
Sold online at hardtfind.com.au in 3 sizes ($28, $34, $38), in Natural, Black
or White”.
(Real Living, dicembre 2011, pag. 48, rubrica “We’re loving”)
“...Sempre a Lucca, nella meravigliosa Piazza Anfiteatro, si trova un negozietto che
non posso fare a meno di visitare quando passo da queste parti.
Si chiama “Le Sorelle” e vende, tra le altre cose, bellissime tovaglie, grembiuli e
biancheria per la casa in cotone stampato a mano. Vere e proprie opere d’arte.
Alla tovaglia acquistata qualche anno fa con i suoi tovaglioli coordinati, ho aggiun-
to alcuni pezzi volutamente spaiati. Una gioia da portare in tavola, o da infilare in
borsa quando mangiamo fuori. Annodati al collo dei bambini a mo’ di bavaglino,
rallegrano l’atmosfera ed evitano piccoli disastri...”
(Postato da Claudia, 26 aprile 2010)
”...Le Sorelle is in Piazza Anfiteatro, the delightful oval piazza which was left behind
when an ancient amphitheatre was removed. Emanuela, her husband and beauti-
ful daughters have selected a range of colourful printed table ware, soft furnishings
and lovely things for the home. When I first moved to Bagni di Lucca, this was
one of the first shops I discovered and many things have found their way into my
apartments here and in Australia. If you want to take home a beautiful and practical
souvenir of Italy, this would be a great place to look....”
(Postato da debrakolkka, 16 marzo 2010)
Aiutaci anche tu a scoprire le nostre foto!
“....Let’s talk about Tuscany. What are some of your favourite stores there?
Tuscany which includes, of course, Florence has some of the best shopping on
the planet. It’s because there are so many artisans whose families for generations
have been creating the most beautiful things, from the obvious gorgeous leathers,
such as shoes, bags and gloves to metalwork, frames, mosaics, pottery and
textiles for the home.
Some of my favorites are: ... Le Sorelle, Lucca, beautiful tabletops.....”
(4 ottobre 2006)
”....Le Sorelle is located in Piazza Anfiteatro in Lucca.
The shop belongs to four sisters who created it like a cozy home with different
things such as accessories, souvenirs, objects that enrich the atmosphere of
a house and many other attractive and original objects.
All the items are handcrafted, which is a significant factor for the owners as well
as the customers.